Jimmy Paid for Hedonism

New York holds the edifying of the world, beating London and Paris in races. As the worlds, best popular pleasure-seeking metropolis around 1995. Not that it has lost its charm a wee bit but the nuisance aftermath of a hit, at the bubbly international heart of the city.

Rock stars, Wall Street, stock exchanges, stock beats, ornamental skyline, soft wares, Asian market, European indulgence, literary fairs, exhibitions, culinary, film shows, broadways. All eyes destination, well connected New York, set in motion, flying full of emotion stationed.

Perhaps this could be the reason for burglary that a lot of the rest United States keep in and out New York with confidence being product soils. Petty theft, robberies, conspiracies, and other associated misdeeds keep the local police on toes.

Contradiction in terms of existence, one can say. A paradox takes place in Jimmy’s life he is a famous hedonist. In reality, he is but a simpleton trying to earn, in order to pay his bills. Friends, house rent, electricity, water, telephone…

Having crossed the barriers of a millionaire through his instrumental and vocal cords he sprang further through his doting fingers. His writes that sold one a penny two a penny not the least hot cross buns, like hot cakes...

Jimmy attracted intruders with mendacious mind. Posers played friends, liquidity in cash kind and beverages, streamed besides.

The party night fell, victim to a powerful conspiracy. Jimmy who never drugged himself only but in theory found under the spell of associates sweeping clean his home stacked with assets. Hoping it as nightmare, he rubbed his eyes repeatedly. He was awake but vision weak.

There surely was something in his drink. However, his butler was one always on guard to see that Jimmy was never on hard, stuff. Therefore, Jimmy guessed who could have created this mess and ran to the phone dialled the police.

Butler was lying on floor, one too many screwdrivers he swallowed. The door was open and all friends were out, it was early morning around 3 am about. The more he tried to stand on his legs the more he groped like a zombie in feet.

Within a short time, the police were in to find a Jimmy in stupor standing. Searching for the miscreants, in his apartment they found none though only a packet of cocaine. A robot Jimmy unaware kept insisting of his missing wares.

Now to the police it appeared like a false alarm.

Jimmy not an idiot appeared one. By this time, the intoxicant in his glass worked strong and his words were in no fluid condition. The drug found was a trap implant to implicate the pop star. The rogues had a perfect plan. After provoking Jimmy to call for the police, they slipped off leaving him alone to face the brunt.

What could Jimmy do but wear handcuffs and follow the cops. Being famous as a singing dancing star having money to generate more richness sought through thoughtless self-brag of hedonism forced a high price out of him.

The huge sum by the way of fine as well jailed for possessing contraband, he resolved never to provoke friends with liquidity of funds.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired from a Rock Star...

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