
Fernanda Segura

Jorge Guajardo

                                                                               The Mice Brothers and the Snake             

                  Once upon a time there were two mice that lived in a forest. They were brothers and their names were Jerry and Andy. Jerry and Andy collected hats in the forest and they lived in a small house under a tree. During the day they happily went around and collected grass to make new hats and to play near a river. But Jerry and Andy could only have fun during the day. As soon as the sun went down the big scary snake Cleo, would come out and fiercely hunt down any mice. Jerry and Andy had only one option, to hide in their house and to be as quiet as possible so that Cleo could not listen to them. Jerry and Andy have lived like this for a long time, playing in the day and sleeping terrified at night. But all of this changed one night.

                  One day, after collecting grass and eating berries by the river, Jerry and Andy went back to their house to rest and to hide from Cleo. As soon as they entered their house a group of mice from a near forest knocked on their door. Jerry got up from his bed and answered the door. Jerry said, “What can I do for you?” One of the mice replied “ We are lost and we can’t find the way back home, could we stay with you tonight?” Jerry, being a kind mouse, welcomed them into his house. Andy on the other hand was not so pleased with Jerry’s decision of letting the group of mice in. He angrily got up from his bed and said, “Leave now! You are not welcome here!” Jerry was upset with Andy’s selfishness and replied, “You know that Cleo is out there!” Andy said, “I don’t care about them, Cleo will hear us because we are a lot of mice in one place” Andy again shouted, “We don’t have room for you, leave now!” Jerry was really angry about Andy’s decision and said, “Well if you don’t care about the others, then you might leave and defend yourself out there.” Andy walked to the door, and before leaving he said, “I will go Jerry, good luck tonight, I hope Cleo do not eat any of you.” He left the house and closed the door. Jerry was very worried about Andy but he let him make his own decision and leave the house.

                  The next day in the morning Jerry and the other mice woke up. The mice kindly thanked Jerry for his kindness and they leave the house. Jerry was very worried because Andy had not returned home. Jerry decided to go look for him, and on the river, he saw Andy’s hat. Jerry identified the hat because it was Andy’s favorite; he realized that Cleo had eaten his brother during the night. Andy had never made it to a safe place and Cleo hunted him because he was an easy target for a big snake. Jerry picked up Andy’s hat and said, “Andy I wished you would not have been so selfish because if you would have cared for others this would have never happened.”

Author's Notes/Comments: 

By: Fernanda Segura and Jorge Guajardo

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