Prose Poem

I remember how on certain Saturday evenings my father arrived home with a new charcoal grill, he always asked me for help to get down his new purchase from the pickup truck, and we both took his new item to his grill collection.

Excited about his new acquisition, my dad always gathered the whole family and explained all the features his new grill had, he never forgot to make emphasis on why the new grill was better than the old ones. Now with his new grill at home, my dad could not wait for Sunday to arrive. He wanted to cook for the whole family using his new grill, and he wanted to try his luck as a chef.

Without a doubt Sunday is my father’s best day of the week; he does not care if the weather is cold, warm, or if it is a rainy day, he always wakes up early and gets everything ready to prepare a barbeque or a fancy meal. My dad always let the family members help participate while doing the meal that day, the spot where he places the grill is going to be a special place for the family members to enjoy and chat for the next couple of hours and he always want to enjoy listening to his family chatting and experiences while he cooks the steak.

As a special memory, I can remember how my dad carefully looks at his wristwatch to count how many minutes are left for the food to be ready. He explains me every detail on how to cook the steak, and I enjoy listening to him and watching his day as a chef. Finally when the food is ready, the whole family gathers and enjoys the meal.Evidently my father is not a professional chef; sometimes the meal is not that good, and sometimes it is really good, but every family member appreciates his effort as a chef and eats the food.

Until a few years ago I had never realized why my dad always bought new charcoal grills, I always find them out to be the same, and I did not understood why he always liked to cook every Sunday. Then I realize that when the family members started growing up, we do not see each other very often, even tough we live in the same house, everybody is working on their activities and we do not have a lot of quality time together, but thanks to my dad’s grill, at least I have one day to spent quality time with my family, and enjoy a nice meal with them.



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