The Best Kind of Weather

Early 20s

One of the many benefits,
to living in New England,
is the weather.

While too many who reside here
complain with every waking day,
I make a concerted effort
to embrace each day;
with it’s unreliable
and unpredictable forecasts,
with welcomed and fervid arms.

Day to day,
Month to month,
the weather constantly shifts and changes
unlike any other place I know.
Of all the different types of weather,
I love rain the most.

Rain is the most versatile of all weathers:
it comes down in many different ways
and can be experienced by all senses,
evoking and mirroring all casts of emotions.
Though most experience rain
to be gray and gloomy:
like a six year old child
who merely wishes to go outside and play,
but is kept confined to walls and windows,
because mothers fear mud and pneumonia.

I say,
get dirty...
get muddy...
get soaking wet...

Sure some rain is in fact gray and gloomy
But I consider most rains to be rejuvenating;
especially summer rains.

The skies come alive
as crisp, cool droplets of moisture
fall to the earth:
some light and almost invisible,
others fat and heavy.
The kind that land on your head
with an emphatic “thwack.”
As the rain collides with the earth
a myriad of smells permeate the nose:
trees, grass and flowers explode
with stinging sweet odors
that can only make me smile.
The hot asphalt pavement begins to cool
and fills the air with the pungent scent
of minerals that linger on the tip of your tongue.
Each bit of water maneuvers in its own way,
before meeting its end,
where it will only be reborn into new life.

It all comes down to us...
for us...
So instead of looking out that window,
and seeing nothing but a gray and gloomy day,
I urge you to turn back
to your six year old self
and go out into the magical world of rain:
Jump in puddles...
Or just stand there and soak it in...
soak in every drip
and every drop you can,
and make yourself appreciate this extraordinary weather
for what it truly is:
The dripping dropping giver of life.
Live your life like the rain;
ever changing and versatile.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written July 2011

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