Losing Faith

I've lost my eagerness to write my thoughts.

I've permanately erased my smile.

Im battered and torn by this battle i've lost.

The real me has been exiled.

Im done solving this puzzle you call a gift.

There are too many pieces missing.

Love...what is this?

Its always portrayed as gentle hands and couples kissing.

You always see the beauty.

You never see inside.

It never had to be spelled out for me.

I've always seen the light.

Mommys heart was made of green.

There were never butterfly kisses or lullabies.

I was either a fuck up or blessing, there was no in between.

She only loved to see me cry.

Daddys heart was locked away.

There was no dad by my side for years.

I had to call if i wanted to stay.

Her voice was all he loved to hear.

Ryans heart was completely fake.

there was never love for me.

He was always causing my heart to break.

He loved playing games with me.

Donnas heart was sugar coated but inside..cold.

She never really cared.

She earned her way into hell with all the lies she told.

What she loved..im not aware.

Ive given you some words of advice.

This love thing isnt real.

I know at first it may seem nice...

But if you experience it, you'll never fully heal.

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