A Parallel Universe

Parallel Universe
We got up and the weather is different every day, the sun covers us with light, the moon light hides us with darkness. The days are routine, work, study, eat, drink, love and hate. We live and die.
But one day you wake up, and the sun covers us with darkness and the moon light strikes us with light, only you are able to appreciate it and you feel afraid to share it with people that will probably think you are insane.
Barking Cats, dogs meow, but you're still living the same routine, many changes, but the same routine. The universe is changing and only you have noticed it, could it be a parallel universe? You do not know what to expect each day, you're possibly going crazy, but there´s nothing you can do, life is no longer the same as before and you have entered a parallel universe that nobody knows.
One day you wake up and see the moon and the sun together in a Yin Yang shape, the first hour the moon powers on and strikes you with light and then shuts down. Another hour the sun covers you with darkness, this is your new lifestyle.
You start to adapt to this parallel universe, but it's a secret world where new opportunities are being presented every day, is a changing universe and the monotony is broken, life begins to make sense and it becomes exciting. Which is the ideal universe?
The weekend comes and you go to the zoo, is not the same, the people you know from work, friends and family are behind bars, this makes you feel uncomfortable, but why? That animals should be behind bars? This is a more just and even world. One day humans entertain animals and the other one animals entertain humans, and all are fine with that, the world becomes strange, bizarre, but right in the end.
The other day you get up and go out for coffee and all tables are full, you have no where to sit, is full of human beings doing the same old thing, until you find an owl sitting alone on the terrace. You decide to sit with him and the owl graciously accepted. The owl asks: I know what you know, this is a parallel universe and only you and I know about it. Do you want to go back to your normal life or do you want to stay in this parallel universe? You run out of words, do not know what to do, but also know that the parallel universe is your new home. The conversation with the owl, the owl Henry, has been the most interesting conversation in years, possibly forever. You talked all about the Past Universe and the Present Universe, life, the darkness of the sun and the intensity of the moon. No turning back, welcome to the parallel universe, life goes on, but it changed for the rest of your life.

Gerardo Fainsod

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