Fantasy 317

Fantasy 317

Could you be my destiny?

Softly, slowly

You entered me

Quite unexpectedly.

You're making me overshout

Overjoyed Overtures,

You're bringing me more

Pleasure then pain

My inner heart beats and begins to soar

'Til I just can't take it anymore

But, every inch cried out for more and more.

Dream Lover, Fantasy Fulfiller

How'd you get here?

How'd you plant your seed so deeply?

And how did you find my secret needs so easily?

You captured me fast

I keep hoping it'll last.

Don't wanna let go.

This is sweet sweet passion.

It's too stong

You're too bold

Together, that's more precious than pure gold.

Fantasty three one seven

You're a moving force

Powerful enough to create

A Living Dream.

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