Pass me by love I speak internally,
For everyday your teases break my heart.
One come and one goes in and out,
Stay out of my life if you are not a light.
Let the darkness of loneliness cease to be,
With the pain it causes isn't for me.
Pass me by and don't look back,
For so many reasons you remain not a fact.
I deserve better than heartache and pain,
For I am woman and strength I bring.
You only weaken me with false hope,
And again I won't accept you say nope.
You shall not keep me from what I seek,
To continue loving me without deceit.
You will never know me as I do,
Not seeing passed my flaws and what makes me weak.
Pass on by me if you are not true,
I am a real woman that can no longer be fooled.
Try harder to be gentle and kind,
And maybe one day I will make you mine.
Jan. 3, 2007