Cutting Calls Softly

Cutting calls me softly at first Jaaciel.

Jaaciel just like the sound of wind rustling through leaves.

But I know that if I go i'll be more misarable.

I keep walking looking ahead only.

Then ,she tells me

"I'll make you forget your pain, his betrayal, just one time and then you can go back.

Ill never let you down, the deeper the better. Trust me."

When she said this I could'nt stop myself from turning around and taking a step forward.

There she stood looking like a rose beautiful but dangerous.

I always been loyal she said even when you pushed me away.

I still waited for you. Knowing you would be back some day.

Then I remembered all those times that I was feeling down, I would look up expecting to see somebody.....anybody.

But I always saw her invinting me, pulling me, lulling me to her.

The only reason that I stayed away from her was beacuse I noticed that I was just hurting myself,

I haved stayed with her for a long time that it was hard to depart from her and to keep it that way.

The reason that I did it was because I thought that I was hurting those that hurt me and because it helped me forget stuff for a while.

It was like my weed. Making me happy and feeling out of this word...but just for a while. 

Whenever I came back to reality I noticed that she was just hovering about my life just waiting to cut trough it.

Waiting for me to say yes.

I took a pause and I thought about it, I really wanted to go back with her but I would'nt.

She was like a prostitue selling herself cheap to anyone, I just wanted her for myself but I couldnt,she was more used than an old pair of converse. 

Taking my decision...

All I could say was...


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