You call Yourself a Parent PART II

Spoken Word

You as a parent, should hold my happiness and safety above all else, but where were you when I was drowning down in alcohol and pills with the hidden razor blade pressed to my wrist and thighs, or even with I slit open the bottoms of my feet so I would feel every bit of pain you put me through as I made progress, so I’d never forget what it meant?

It's a constant barrage and there's not chance for a cease fire. It's a constant barrage of bullets raining down on me so hard and too fast for my eyes to keep up with. I can't even see. The sky went from grey to black so fast it knocked the air out if my chest like the tiny arrows shooting through my heart as I'm crying out that though you’re the ones that are supposed to love me the most, it seems like you are the ones that the only thing you love about me is to torture me with my own mistakes. I understand I'm not perfect, but I tried. Does that account for anything?

For years, I believed that I’ll never be beautiful in anyone’s eyes because I had I hard time staying out of mud and keeping my hair straight. Now I stare into my love’s eyes trying to understand just what the hell he even sees in me.

Ive come to terms that I’ll never be good enough for you.


I’ve come to terms that I’m pretty damn amazing when I look in the mirror when I finally realize that I am the only one who has a say in my life, that I am the only one that needs to see satisfaction when I see my reflection.

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