
3. Nameless Enigma

exaples from long ago

repetition in its finest form

never quite heeded the signs

didn't see the impending storm

i chose to play the game instead

never letting my hope to rise

but he knew me all along

the truth was in my eyes

finally deciding to end the games

he's giving me my chance

trying to quell the hopes

but in my heart they dance

he thought that he could do it

but i hear regret in his voice

my hopes come crashing down

but i know he has no choice

i thank him for thinking of me

not wanting to hurt me in the game

he says he'll call me when he's done

'till then i won't be the same

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I got asked out by a guy who I had liked for the longest time. I didn't answer him the night he asked me, wanting to make sure he meant it. The next day, he changed his mind.

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