In an old and gray forest in the middle of nowhere, there was an owl that was very observant. She watched every single living creature in the forest, including the deer. These animals were the ones with most population in the forest, but not the most powerful. The wolves were the ones who made the forest fear, creating corruption and evil among the other animals. In the forest, there were only 128 hippos, who were the ones with the final word in the decisions of the forest.
It was a rainy night, when the owl saw something that was completely out of the ordinary. The wolf came to the nice part of the forest, where all the hippos lived, and they started scary them with their huge fangs and claws. The hippos, outnumbered, realize that they were going to lose, so they make a deal with them, letting the wolves stay around in all the entire forest, creating fear among the deer.
The wolves started eating deer like a daily meal. They were out of control, and nobody could stop them. To try to reduce the dead within the forest, the hippos made a deal with the wolves, allowing them to only take the first fawn of each family. They shook paws accepting the treaty.
For a while, the wolves were the ones in control, trying to dominate all the forest and bring it into fear. The deer were very scared; some of them didn’t want to go out, because they could lose their first fawn, so protect themselves in their homes. The forest was falling apart, there were more wolves in the forest than deer, and even the hippos were scared, even do they were more powerful and wise, they started hiding themselves into the small lakes in the forest.
It was a normal night; silence was the sound of the forest, when the owl started whispering. Whispers are the main way to communicate a secret; whispers are the main way to tell a story when you don’t want someone else to listen it, so that’s why the owl was whispering… she wanted to start a revolution. The deer were weak, but not stupid to realize that they could actually win. The owl stared spreading to words of wisdom and spying the wolves, bringing them down one by one.
When the wolves realize the deer were hunting them, they started doing the same thing. It was a chaos in the forest, the public places were now “no man’s land” and if you stand up there, you were an easy target. The war was all over the forest, and no one was able to finish this chaos. The owl was watching all of this pain and suffers, all off the dead and tragedies, so she decided to leave the forest.
She flew away; she was 30 feet high when she looked back again, and it was all chaos still, trees down and dead animals. She flew another 30 feet high and turns around again. The dead bodies were gone and most of the forest was in good conditions, she didn’t care. She flew another 30 feet when she decided to look around for the last time. That huge and endless fight she was running away from was now, a tiny little dot.

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