Walking a through the sand they are all that’s left… looking down at all of the memories ones to Look Back on and Laugh, and ones to Look Back on and Cry, these sacred times now nothing more than footprints left on this sandy seashore…
A baby sits and stares… wide eyed over flowing with wonder not yet knowing what lies ahead for her… as life goes on and she learns to crawl and will learn to talk, she learns to whine to daddy and how to walk… days will pass and she’ll grow up still, coming into her own against mom’s will… finally arrives the day, now she’s able to get in and out of her own way… All the while her eyes over flow with a wondrous passion screaming with an innate desire to embark on life… Always questioning the why, always wanting to know everything about everything, having always possessed this child-like awe regardless of her age…
Inevitable it is that Over time age will begin to set in… and throughout each passing day these questions will emerge less and less, yours emerged more and more… child like wonder inevitably fades, yours grew brighter… The awe struck sparkle once glistening within a child’s eyes eventually dies, yet with each passing year yours continues to dance… just like you…
I watch in amazement as you move each step landing so precise- I have watched you skim across the floor at breakneck speed with such grace and poise… that you could have ran across water without ever breaking the surface… When the floor falls beneath your feet it is apparent that gravity has given up its fight and at last released you where it is that you belong, into the sky… to dance your dance…