Be different- Don?t follow the majority- Don?t live life trying to meet expectations or achieve a standard; that is a life lived fearing inadequacy and seeking acceptance- and that is a life of mediocrity at best?
For one day life will end, for all of us, and those who have lived such a life, will die putting a long over-due and necessary end to a life that has amounted to nothing more than a waste- leaving behind an empty vessel, that shows no sign of identity and is now home to nothing more than un-reached potential and an unattained desire and will to persevere?
So live your life on your terms and set your own path- Follow these guidelines and one day you will do the unthinkable, taking yourself and your abilities far above and beyond all limitations assumed to contain you. You will have persevered shattering all preconceptions regarding that which you were capable of only to accomplish that which all others thought-to-be Impossible?
So live your life for you, live it your own way, and be your own person- Persevere to greatness: live to surpass expectations, live not to obtain the mediocrity and adequacy that define ?normal?, but rather, live to obtain a ?Sense-of-Self? that too many lives long past expiration before ever reaching; Live life in search of your own answers, live for yourself and no one else?
Do everything possible to break the mold and you qill obtain a certain pride and sense of accomplishment accompany a life decorated with numerous great merits achieved, unimaginable goals accomplished, and unattainable limits surpassed?
Be great and break the mold only to make your own and you will leave this world, leaving behind you an immortal legacy giving privy to future generations of what greatness is?
You will leave behind an immortal caste of values, ideals, and self-standards that are not now, nor have ever been common amongst any men aside from the gods?
You will die and leave behind a part of you that will generate legends and spawn tales long after your family line has gone extinct?
You will become a face associated with such heroic ideals as courage, honor , perseverance, and tenacity not because you were born special or lived a life of fame; but because instead of living trying to meet expectations, you lived trying to surpass them; instead of hoping to earn acceptance, you looked past seeing only your desire to obtain a sense of self; instead of living a life trying to blend in, you lived with a unyielding perseverance to stand-out, and be different; Instead living a life based on the need of approval and the desire for acceptance, you chose to accept condemnation and strive for individuality?
That is the definition of greatness, that?s all it is- The Courage to neglect demands to follow the Majority, and accepting the rejection that results- Because Greatness is achieved by living a life that is not centered around trying to fit the mold of normality, but rather a life that is driven solely to shatter the expectations and limitations of that mold, eventually making your own?