I have a question one that seems to trouble me ever so constant-Who am I?
If you know perhaps you could shed some light to assist me in answering this trivial Question-Trivial Yet Important.
As I stare at the stars, I feel Empty, as if-I Am Without Wholeness.
I know not where this sense of emptiness Comes from, However, I know that it stems from the ever-present question-One Which Continuously Plagues My mind.
There are few things that create a sense of real comfort, A Few things in my life- Allow Me To Reach That Level.
So Why Is It That I Am Unable To Achieve The Answer To My Question & Satisfy My quest of self-discovery?
I am uncertain, and I am alone. Alone to ponder The Complexity Of That which is I.
The echoes of things I say, As well as the cries of the things I Allow To Go Unsaid-Such Things Are Left To Haunt My Mind.
Because, although I am complex, These Characteristics are a portrayal of fear- They Are A Fa硤e To Shelter That Who I Truly Am.
If one was to tear down my wall, it becomes apparent that, what in fact is hung on that wall For others To see-Is Not That Which Holds The True Value Of The Real Painting.
For the true value comes from the gained understanding Of What The Artist Is Actually Saying Through His Work.
So as I sit here alone, Looking to the heavens and staring at the stars-And I am left unclear as to why I am left Unsatisfied regarding the ways Which people use to gain understanding and decipher The Message Of My Painting.
For I feel that this artist has a more complex message. A message that lies deep beneath the colors-And thus I am left to search, Search for spectators that Will view this piece, And Gain Such Understanding.
Yet I will continue to search-For no audience will attain an understanding of this picture Until The Artist Gains Understanding Of himself.
For that which the Artist lies ignorant towards cannot be seen In his strokes for he is blind to the very knowledge That He Wishes Others Should Learn From Him.
However, One Cannot Teach Until He Has Been Taught-For Through The Journey Lies The Answer.
Through my actions, through that which is said and Unsaid-I shall answer the posed question; the question Of who I am, And then my portrait, my art, Will hang for all to see- for its meaning will Be clear, And Then You Will See, And More Importantly So Will I.
And thus the answer will be found.