Ocean Haven

I close my eyes,

I can feel the wetness,

smell the air...

Hear the waves crashing in

Rolling over my toes,

I can see the image still 

A cabin, a safe haven...

The only happy childhood memory.

Ive held on to it so tight,

Thats my happy spot.

When my brain is fucking screaming

my mind drifts to there,

Encaging myself deep within the waves.

Feeling them crash over me,

Taste of salt in my mouth.

There I feel peace

My mind starts to calm,

The voices start to fade

I dont see him,

I dont see my monsters.

They are not allowed within my haven,

That is mine.

No one else is allowed but me.

I feel bliss.

i think perhaps this is what death feels like.

Maybe if i pull the trigger;

Then perhaps this feeling wouldnt fade.

Would i awake?

Next to the beach

Laying in the tide 

As it washes over me

Is this bliss?

Is this heaven?

Am I free?

By my ocean side.

Perhaps so;


