Head up Lad


You're off to war,
Head up, Lad,
Be proud!
You're off to fight for your country, your empire,
For what you believe in,
Truth, peace, and freedom.
A noble sacrifice indeed, Lad.

Head up, Lad,
Be proud!
You may be young,
But that doesn't matter.
We'll shove a gun in your hand,
A helmet on your head,
And ship you off to war,
Send you off to fight the Nazis, the Axis of Evil, the Enemy,
Recruit you to fight for us, kill for us, and win this war for us,
As we stay here, warm and healthy in our offices, coordinating the men that will lose their lives, or their souls.

Head up, Lad!
Be proud!
It won't be that bad,
You'll be home by Christmas,
Spending the day with your family,
On the beach,
With the white sand and blue water,
But for now you're off to see the sights,
To adventure, travel, and fame,
Away from the dull, boring place,
This dull, normal, boring, safe-haven, called 'home'.

Head up, Lad,
Be proud!
Noble Lad,
Brave Lad,
Leave your Mother, your Lover, at home,
They'll be fine,
Don't worry, Lad,
You'll be back soon,
Don't worry Lad,
The war'll be over by Christmas.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Head up Lad,
Be proud,
You did your duty to Empire and Country,
And now you're back at home,
Now you're back in the arms of your Mom,
So head up, lad.
Be proud.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mom got her darling boy back,
Her bouncing baby boy.
But lost is his youth and his innocence,
And the sparkle from his sky blue eyes.

Instead he's got the memories,
That wake him in the night,
And torment him in waking hours,
Playing endlessly behind his eyes.

He went off to adventure,
To travel from the dull.
Instead he found his nightmare,
And now he wishes he'd stayed at home.

He sacrificed his youth,
For his Empire, and his Country,
And for those he holds dear,
He killed for what he believed in,
Killed other Mothers' darling baby sons,
Watched the life fade from their no longer innocent sky blue eyes.
He killed for what he believed in,
Truth, peace, and freedom.

Noble Lad,
We hold you dear,
We give you thanks,
For the sacrifice you gave us.
We will remember.

So head up Lad,
Be proud.
We recognise the sacrifice you made,
The life you gave us.
We're proud of you.

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