A Poem - (untitled and unfinished)

quietly i take you

clear tears of compassion

they wash away the cancer

that eats at my unreality

quietly, i see you

sweet melody of visions passing

before my eyes

they have closed in defeat

but now they open

just so i can gaze at you and breathe

and i hear you

a soothing balm to my tired heart

like butterfly wings plucking

at the strings of my being

making me calm

and then i miss you

for no one has ever made me feel

like this

i love you

my serene hope

most treasured dream

i love you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the feelings run deep, an all consumiong need. and i cant express them in words .. lame lame lame, lol, waaaah i dont know, its just a random thing I HATE MYSELF WHEN IM CORNY, AND THIS SOUNDS SO CRAPPY AND PATHETIC BUT BLEH THIS IS NEVER GONNA GET FINISHED JUST LIKE THIS BLAH SENTENCE

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