



As my mind awakes,

My body aches,

But the feelings make me anticipate,

For the sudden reaction,

to self satisfaction,

And what Im feeling now is only a fraction,

Of the things ill feel as soon as Im done,

Finding yourself your #1,

Which at one point I wanted to run,

Going through this is never fun,

But Im seeing myself for who I am,

Put your mind to it anyone can,

becoming someone different after being something for so long,

Makes you feel accomplished while fixing your wrongs,

Each step taken will be a stride for the weak,

Emotionally better in words that I speak,

Anyone can do it when they set their mind,

I understand that choice will only take time,

When your finished trying to refind yourself,

It will get rid of the pain suffering and guilt,

And fix what issues inside you have felt,

Just remember that you can always ask for help.

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