I thought I heard

I thought I heard someone speaking in the distance while I slept

Incoherant words came to me through that ethereal haze

Caught between reality and some shallow half aware dream state

I drifted in and out crossing that thin barrier of sleep

Those barely audible words carried me here and there

An image of my anima beautiful and enraptured  with me

Holding me as if to protect me from my own fragility....and

That hug signified complete acceptance and an understang of who I truly am

Then the sound of waves washing ashore from some eternal distant ocean

Filled my mind and brought to me 

The longing for the scent of salt and deep blue sea 

For open waters as far as my eyes could see roiling white caps on peaks of dark waves

A fulfillment soothed my aching heart and put an end to my needs

There she is standing beside me once more....my other half 

Trying to convey some message of special importance

The words that would let me know that the path I'm on is straight and true

My center holds as I struggle to make it through my trials and tribulations

That feminine half that brings relief to my critcal and unyieling side

To that bright light that I shine on all that I do as if I'd die frome one wrong move

I see myself reaching toward something soft and sweet, gentle touches upon my face

Bring me feelings of contentment and satisfaction and....belief

I know what message she has brought for me 

I can make no wrong move if it's made out of understang and filled with goodwill

If I hold love and truth and compassion in high esteem 

If I care and and accept others without prejudice or judgement than I am set free

To simply be myself without regret or worry that I've made a mistake

Because my journey will lead me to the place I should be

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Have you ever been sleeping with th tv on and your mind creates a dream from the background noise? This is my interpretaion of thet kind of dream from several nights ago

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