

Sometimes we find ourselves on an empty bus

Riding along to places we've forgotten

Wondering just how far we've come

And the stops behind us


Sometimes we think about past friends

Who left when life was tough, cutting losses.

But we stuck it out, dug in deep

And road alone to see the end


Sometimes a prize awaits

To travelers once worthy but now scarred. 

And the meter says empty

But that doesn't stop them from pushing forward


Sometimes the smallest words hurt most

Ripping to shreds our best laid plans

Sinking beneath thick skin, and brittle bones

We continue riding so we can atone. 


Sometimes a few succeed

Finding victory beyond their broken dreams

Never forgetting the price we paid

And the road we oh so carefully laid


Sometimes looking back hurts

Nostalgic tears about childhood treasures

But we're different now

And the world says so


So we flip the tape,

Listening to the b-side

Hoping someone else will hear

And let us hitch a ride.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just something I've been working on.  I figured I'd better start posting all these poems somewhere.  I like writing poetry but it doesn't happen often, either I feel like I have something to say or I don't.  

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