The troubled fox

Jacinto Lemarroy

Jessica Torres


March 24 2015

The troubled fox

Throughout the whole week the weather in the forest remained radiant. Clear skies, mild wind, and the glowing brightness of the sun reflected in the vegetation of the forest. One day, however, it changed. It was a stormy day and the wind was blowing vigorously along with the heavy rain that settled on the grassland, where a grey wolf was napping. Suddenly, a lightning strike woke the wolf up and scared him. He looked around in the forest and started to trot in order to find some shelter. The wolf remembered that the forest neighbored a small town and so he went on to the town. He left the forest and stumble across a small, picturesque cabin in the woods. The wolf peeked through the decrepit, crooked windows and saw people inside. A man, a woman and a little baby. He stared with passion at the man and noted he had a gun collection in his bottom shelf. The wolf’s facial expression changed and went from calmness to wrath. Furious and with an empty stomach, the wolf approached the back door of the cabin when a black dog appeared. “Howdy stranger!” said the dog. “Don’t bother me dog, I’m not in the mood to be bothered by a miserable pet like you.” “Why are you so angry?” the dog asked. “That’s not of your business. Now, if you could just stop distracting me.” replied the annoyed wolf. “Why do you want to enter my house?” wondered the dog. The wolf gave up on trying to elude the dog’s presence so he complied. “I don’t want to get in your so-called house. I just want to get inside and devour the man and his family.” said the wolf. “Wow.” reply the dog. “That’s not a very humane thing to say, don’t you reckon?” responded the dog. “Well, I’m not a human and neither are you. So, I could care less.” replied the wolf. “Well, that’s not my point, but why are you so angry at my best friend?” the dog questioned. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but because of your best friend, I don’t have a home or a family to go to. Your friend came into my home and other animal’s home and destroyed all our nature. He hunted us down, consumed our habitat and gradually eradicated a part of our existence. All I have left is pain and anger. I don’t even feel fear anymore. I’ve got used to so much despair that my body adapted to the suffering.” answered the lone wolf.

The dog tried to stop the wolf but he was smarter than the dog so he tricked and trap him on his cage. Immediately the wolf got into the house and cornered the family. The innocent baby was crying so hard and his mom tried to protect him but at the same time she was so scared that suddenly fainted. The man reacted aggressively but the wolf took the gun so easily as taking a candy away from a kid. That was the end, the wolf was about to attack the man, the strongest person in the house and after that, the baby and the woman, but, without any explanation of what had happened, the dog came in as a hero. They didn´t fight. The dog talked to the wolf, he explained to him how good can humans be, that humans make mistakes because they are humans, that they fear to the unknown but that they have good feelings and act altruist.


The man didn't know what had just happened, but he had a feeling that the wolf was sad and that his sadness with the time became desire of vengeance. He wanted to contribute and make the wolf feel as in home and that they were sorry for what anything that hurted him.

The wolf went back to the forest. Weeks before, the family made a foundation to stop deforestation and protect animals. And so, the wolf realized that sometimes the person or thing one dislikes or hates is not really the enemy but the feeling of hatred itself. And he felt peace at last.


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