Born from Resolve, Born of the Darkness.


Born from Resolve, Born of the Darkness.


The Man chose to be a dealer of Death, chose to let all that he ever was cease to exist.

To kill himself completely, To let himself die.

To no longer exist as anything more than the remnants of a sacrifice made,

A Noble sacrifice indeed, born from deliberation, focus and purpose,

All that was, gone for all eternity.


A Dealing in Death, that gave birth to the physical manifestation and embodiment of Divine Resolve.

From the darkness it came, A being that transcends humanity and the realm in which it resides,


A being truly not of this world, 

He is born, he is centered, he is focused, he is certain, and above all, he is Calm.

The only passion he knows, is of the one Great purpose of his Heart.


Victory, completion, and fulfillment, already his, the moment he was reborn, the moment he was unleashed upon the world.

He will claim Victory, his will, forcing the fruition of his Heart's central purpose.

He will never die, His Immortal will can never cease, can never be silenced.


For the first time, Fate itself acknowledges a superior force.

It steps aside, and bows its head in submission,


Fearful of what is now before it, This being of unworldly composure, purpose and Resolve.


Fate, dares not meet its gaze,

out of fear and wonder, fate gives way, and its chains of binding are shattered effortlessly, for the first time in all existance.


The being doesn't even notice, it see's all that there is, and only, what is,


He takes his first step forward, and it begins.



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