From The XLIX Tales: The Vigilances


The outer gatekeeper said, "When he comes, he will come with a battering ram to smash the doors down.

The inner gatekeeper said, "Nay, he will jerk the doors from their hinges."

The central gatekeeper said, "Both of you are wrong.  He will kick the door in or shove it through with his shoulders."

Vigilant, each of them crouched by their respective doors, anticipating the prospective intrusion.

Beneath them, the floor groaned, as the earth itself convulsed and certain damages were sustained in the world above.

A sepulchral silence ensued, but was followed by the sound of metal upon metal, and the nearly inaudible slip of the keyblade into the ancient keyhole to engage the tumblers.

Suddenly, the ineffable light of glory's splendor filled the cavern so that, for the first and only time, it was fully and perfectly illuminated.

From without the voice they had been dreading, because they knew they must capitulate to it, loudly proclaimed:  Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.  For the crucified Lamb of God had arrived to claim and retrieve His own; He, who by death shattered and crush Death, and by His Resurrection secured eternal life for all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The poem quotes Ephesians 5:14.

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