Yet [*/+/^] : 27.225 MHz, Тo The Holy, Glorious, All-laudable ApostleAand Archdeacon Stephen, The Protomartyr

[ K.R., loquitor ]

Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to.

---1 Samuel 16:12

Envious the kallophobes decided to put

you to death, Archdeacon, casting you out and down;

because they coveted the beauty of your soul

expressed in your body---long-haired, lithe and barefoot

(oh yes, so exquisitely beautiful).

With raging hatred, they hurled their stones

that came sourly against your flesh and bones.

But just before the moment at which to die,

you looked to the Bright Morning Star in the sky, 

Who Himself called you, to give you the first Martyr's crown. 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is based upon Acts 7.

Revelation 22:16 inspired the ninth line.

"K.R." was the signature appellation of the Poet and Grand Duke, Konstantin Romanov (1858-1915), whose soul's nature, like Constantine Cavafy's, was exquisitely amenable.  I imagined the poem (including the Scriptural epigraph . . .K.R. was a devout Orthodox Christian) being thought or spoken by K.R.

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