@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; K-Clonhomos, A Sijo On A Science Fiction Theme And Concept [ /;\ ]

The rigid structure of their spaceship is enclosed within an

alterable, reflective and projective shell---technology

the Earth had perfected before it sent them away, these

K-Clonhomos, sons and grandsons of one specimen, cultured

and cultivated in Anju decades after the "velvet"

overthrow of Kim, nineteen point five, the Eternal Leader.

Artificial Intelligence, fiercely loyal to the K-Clo's,

operates and manages all the ship's functions.  The K-Clo's'

calling is to vivify the state of the deep, vast Cosmos.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

My search engine indicates that the terms K-Clonhomos, or K-Clonhomos, has not been used by any other poet; and I presume, therefore, that it is original with me. 

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