just a dream?

Sometimes, I wonder, is this world real?

Will I wake tommorrow, just a day old?

Will I wake and not be a day over 80?

How do we know if we are dreaming

or if this is truley happening?

Did that just happen?

The pain of this world, 

a creation of my mind?

Some could justify, 

that no one is sick enough to dream that up.

But what if thats just my concusness

trying to convince me this is real.

What if everyone, is just a figure of my imagiontion?

What if the world dosn't exsist?

Am I real?

Do I really live?

Is this my paradise?

Or the hell I've been comdemned to?

Why can't I know

if I'm dreaming?

How can I know if I'm real?

What if... I'm alone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

 me pondering existence...

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