The weakest and the Strongest

There was a time that everything went dark; everything that existed was grey and dull. The world needed light and happiness. The animals were unhappy and hungry. Everyone was struggling to find food and water, the strongest and the weaker kinds of animals.

The strongest animals were the lions, they were selfish and didn’t care about the other species;  the lions ate all of the animals possible until there were only a few left. They didn’t realise that because of their lack of solidarity. They didn’t want to leave their lands because they were selfish and self-centred.

On the other side, there were a small group of zebras living in that part of the vast jungle. The zebras were really caring about what they ate every single day by separating and sectioning food for every day. They knew they had to be careful so they could survive, because as well as the lions they didn’t want to leave those lands, because that was home for them.

One day, the lions went out hunting, with high hopes that they could find at least a little rabbit to eat, to satisfy their needs. They were taking a stroll in the zebra lands, their favorite animal to eat. The zebras already knew their hunters were coming, so they decided they needed to hide and stay in a safe and hidden place, a secret cave. The leader of the lions, Ajax, knew this could happen so he ordered his herd to go and search in the most remote places possible, in every cave, under the smallest rock existing, so they started the hunt.

Kasema, the leader of the zebras, was mortified because the lions may find them at any second. They were only trying to survive to that horrible and broken world they were living in, they didn’t want to harm anyone or anything. When they were at the cave, everyone kept it quiet until there was no one around, but they weren’t lucky that day. They were found by a pair of lions and captured until every single zebra stood before the lion king.

Every member of the zeal was terrified because they were waiting for their unfortunate destiny, death. Everyone but Kasema, he was determined to fight the lions, even if he and his zeal had zero hopes winning the fight. Kasema started a talk to Ajax, not caring about what could happen to him.

The lion herd was surprised because they weren’t used to someone confronting them, so they listened carefully. Kasema suggested something, that at first neither of the groups wanted, but for Kasema was the only option possible. Move lands, search for new places, so they could hunt other creature, not his zeal. Kasema told Ajax, that they would help them to find a place to live in peace and without hunger. Their problems were going to be over once they move somewhere else. Unexpectedly, Ajax accept, he knew that this probably was the only way to get out of his problems.

So the adventure began, and both species made a pact, that the lions wouldn’t eat zebras ever again if they could find a new fresh land. The lions were struggling to keep it together while they travelled with the zebras, but they really wanted that new land to explore and live better.

It took a week to find a new place to live, but it was worth it. They didn’t know about this new place nor did they imagine there could be any more green lands in the world. That’s how the  lions and zebras demonstrated they could live in peace, and analyzing every situation they could be in peace and without struggling.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written by Iván Gzz Melis and Nadia Cruz

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