"The great double-sided"

Tittle: “ The great double-sided”

In the ancient times, all animals lived in peace and tranquility. Everyone believed in everyone and they thought that this would last forever. All around this big green garden were the animals, it was their perfect world. In this garden, there was a particular animal in which everyone trusted because of his actions and personality, the squirrel. The squirrel was the cutest animal in all the garden. One day, two big bears were fighting for a cave to store their food, instantly, the other animals in the garden heard the fight between the two mighty bears and began taking sides. After a time arguing, everyone decided that the best for both bears was to let the squirrel store their food in his trunk. The squirrel had no problem with this to happen, in fact he was happy to help.The other animals saw that the squirrel was a good animal to believe in and they start letting the squirrel to store their resources for the winter. Some animals thought it was easier to let the squirrel store their food instead of them doing it. Everyone thought this was a great idea because he was a good friend, but the squirrel began to felt not so good as like the moments before when he accepted this responsibility. The squirrel began to feel stronger and with such power that he began thinking he was being used  by the other animals. He was mad and angry with the other animals at the big garden, so he began to plot against the other animals because of their intentions.The next day, one of the bears asked the squirrel to return his beehive that once had found near the river, but instead of returning it, he told him that the other bear asked for the same beehive to reclaim it. Immediately, the bear went to the other bear’s cave and began to shout  him. As in the beginning, the other animals took  a side between the two bears and by the end everyone began to shout between each other even hitting each other. The squirrel, after seeing what he have created, felt something inside him. It was something he hasn’t feel before. A feeling that was getting bigger and bigger, consuming what he was at the beginning, a tiny and cute animal. It was the start of the end of something, something that was hard to build, something that was perfect, the end of the perfect world. The moral of the story is  that if you make people believe that they are thinking, they will adore you, but if you make them think, they will hate you viscerally.

Written by José Leopoldo Vazquez and Juan Francisco Rodríguez

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