sometimes there's the feelings you cant hide
the people you cant guide
the times you ditch the ride
sometimes things don't turn out how you want
I've seen these things a lot
the world wasn't created for your happiness
you must use your own intelligence
to find a warp hole of health
that sucks you of the feelings you felt
but sometimes you'll let the pain remain
because the pleasure drives you insane
to bleed is a foreign rareity
the air is of precious scarcity
and no matter how long it takes for you to see
it's still there; it still comes
to haunt you in your dreams
to take away all your normal means
to make the world a thinner place
but you can't help but remember that taste
that taste of you; taste of two
and i see you in my dreams
i feel you in the night
touching me right there
and holding me so tight
these kisses I've been missing
but then i remember.. i don't want to be found
for so long you went without sound
and you were gone for a reason
more than a season
seasons of heartbreak
then you never seem to part take
ill cry you the towers
before the horror hours
ill scream you the drop
to make the water stop
and the world goes on the flip side
and you cant stop the turning of the tide
because no matter what things change
no matter what you rearrange
nothings going to be there in the end
there's no use to fight it
because the story isn't one for you to write it
a story that many times to you i send
but the only time you read it
when it was too close to the end