It's crumbling down around you as we speak,
shattering into mindless, patternless shards
that may take a few eternities constructing
several infinities to mend
because good opinion once lost is nothing short
of impossible to regain and reputation, my dear,
is fragile. Fragile as the feel of the feather of
a swan or fresh blown glass straining to harden,
because things, in themselves, are but transient, but
our reputation follows us to our grave, and beyond,
as nothing else, no worldly bonds, ever can or will.
Reputation may truly be the only thing we strive for
in this life where nothing else can follow us to
any extent, but the name that we make for ourselves,
that people, populations, generations may remember us by
but what can you be when it is shattering, decimating
in your very hands?