this week

If I ask you something

will you swear not to lie?

You've deceived me before

but I know you're an honest guy

I'm sorry I have to tell you this

but you were right

when you said you weren't a good bf

I was just trying to avoid a fight

Maybe I should've been truthful

and agreed with you, as I did in my heart

but I was afraid of what you'd do

I don't need more problems to start

Today when he said this is the best you've been all week

I'm sorry but I agreed with him completely

This past week you've just been so uncaring

and your love I've doubted, it's been fleeting

This past week has been trying

and that's the best I can say for it

I love hanging out with you though

Maybe we just need more of that for a bit

I love you so dearly

and I have to ask, do you love me too?

I don't care what my friends say

All I care about is you...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

it goes a bit randomly and parts of it are so roughly transitioned...sorryy

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