
I took a chance with you

let down my guard

I wish I hadn't but now

my heart is forever marred

You never really loved me

all you wanted was some one to use

well guess what honey, you found one

and now I feel so abused

I can't believe I thought you loved me

every word of yours was a lie

I wish I'd seen it sooner

but now the world has passed me by

All the friends I abandoned for love

thinking I was better off with you

I wish I'd listened to them

but now, all I do is rue

I rue the day I met you

the day I let you in

if only I could take it back

but its not yet the fin.

Yeah sweetie, you broke me

you destroyed my entire being

you took my heart and ripped it

you should be in jail you fiend

Your "love" was nonexistent

this whole time you've lied

I was nothing but your scapegoat

and now, my heart has died

My ability to trust is destroyed

your actions have had it killed

but now it's time for me to find something better

my walls are being rebuilt

there will always be that one crack though

you'll never completely be gone

that scar on my heart shall never fade

but now, I will move on

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ahhh, my break from writers block...thank god! finally...

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