wanna make this better? here's how...

walk up to me

when I'm walking all alone

lonely and sad

that is when

I'll need you the most

greet me with a hug

hold me tight

and let me fall into your arms

whisper "I love you"

and wait for me to say it too

Look in to my eyes

and tell me "I never wanna lose you"

If I try to walk away

grab my hand

and don't let go

never walk away

and hold me even if I resist

cause deep in your heart

you should know thats the way

all you have to do is

show me you really care

If I start to cry

hold me even tighter

Make me realize

that we are meant to be

Pull me into your chest

hold on with a strong grip

don't let me move

never let me forget you

Make me listen

and look into your eyes

let the sun stream down on us

while we stand together as one

Listen to my senseless words

try and understand

try your hardest to make this work

and I'll do the same

I love you more than anything

and your smile can remind me why

so remember to make me meet your eyes

and make me smile along with you

The way to my heart is simple

all it takes is love

thats the one thing I hold

high over everything else, high above

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my bf and i get into weird fights a lot...so this is for him...although he will NEVER see it...xD

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