A letter to him.

Dear you,

I miss you. I don't know why. I've been thinking about you today. Well, I usually think about you, but, today, more than usual. And, I miss you. I'm scared, too. Why can't I move on? You've moved on numerous times now, but I can't seem to move on even once. You have no idea how hard I'm trying to leave you in the past. Impossible. I really hope you are not the one for me. If you are, well, Congratulations to us, love; we lost each other. I really wish we could at least be friends. You have no idea what I would do to just go back to being how we were summer after 8th grade, except, maybe better. I miss you. Do you miss me? I realize that you probably don't. Sometimes, I feel like you're still in love with me. But I realize that I'm probably wrong, and it's just some wishful thinking or something on my part. What can I say, love? I miss you. Very, very much. Much much more than you could ever know. I do wish things could have worked out differently for us. But I wasn't ready to put up with you, and you needed so much more than I was willing to offer at the time. Can't we please just go back to being really great friends? Like before? Before we messed it all up, before I messed it all up...



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