would you come with me

I caught your eye through a smoky cafe

we locked gazes

I knew you were her

the one I would take to my studio

the one I would do a thousand studies

the one I would recreate

the one that would captivate a million eyes forever

but would you

would you come with me through the narrow streets

up the long flight of stairs

let me undress you slowly and completely

let me admire you

let me take you in

would you give yourself to me

your every beautiful curve

your dark secrets of the universe eyes

your perfect skin

your flowing hair

your red lips

would you share your soul and your secrets with me

a stranger

with a stick of charcoal

and some paper

and some paints

and some canvas

would you let me make you immortal

would men fall in love with you

a million times over

would they see you and yearn to be there

to be in that dusty studio

you naked, lounging across that red velvet spread


your skin glowing in the candlelight

your lips about to say "i love you too"

would you come with me

to be my muse

to be immortal
Author's Notes/Comments: 

for anon

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