
World ending or is it?
 Getting confused wondering why
 Why do these things happen
 Getting rejected left alone
 Wondering why me
 Thinking its the end
 But its never the end till we die
 But what if we are already dead on the inside
 But just have to wait till our body dies along with our soul
 What happens after life only the dead know
 But dead men tell no tales so what's left is only wonder
 Wonder of a better place a different outcome
 But imagine this is all we have when we die nothing left just a body
 An empty space where we once were
 But self pity has no different outcome
 We must fight to be happy so we believe
 What if things never get better and we just end it?
 What if the next day would of been the best day of your life
 Your no longer here to find out if it was
 We all have a certain purpose to be here
 We just have to find it not giving up
 Only we can find it
 Only then can we know if things will be okay once our destiny is found
 Then only then will we be truly happy

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