the only thing i ask god is why?
why did he make my mom take me by the hand like if i was a little kid?
i wouldve have meeten him b4 her and i wouldve been wiff him by now
but no time wasn't in my side
any maybe it's that i have to wait
but maybe were just not meant
and i ask my self every day why cant it be me?
why cant it be me holding your hand
kissing you every time i see you
holding you in my arms and never letting you go?
you see i think that probably were perfect for each other
but time was not in our hands
and destiny probably put her before me to get to know you better
but maybe destiny put you with her for a reason
but we cant know because its berly been a week
a week in which i cant live with out your smile
a week like seems like a month
your eyes seeking for me every time after school just makes me feel like you like me back
but maybe i am wrong
and maybe i shouldnt tell you but the truth is that i love you
i love you with a passion
and i know its so quick and youre with her
but ill wait for you right here in this corner
ill wait even if icant take it any more and im crying
ill wait even if its long
i just have never felt this way for anyone in my life
and those green eyes and perfect lips gotta belong to me