
...The world moves fast and it would rather pass by.

Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad..."    

                                   Tupac Shakur


Hey u! Oh yes I'm calling u.

Just stop, let me tall u My point of view!

What u doing my friend in this dark

U are trusting your friend all your hart

Listen man don't u ever do that

In this life you can't trust anyone,

just for that,

Cause this life full of dirty treason

All your secrets will never be in concealment!

U think you have really foreveryeaers friends

Don't believe them, they'll sell u at the end of the ends!

U can trust only GOD, just believe only HIM

Hi will help u to live  & don't do the sin!

Hi will show u right way, He'll protect u from foe

U will never be in danger with Him anymore!

Now, that's it, that my view,

& of cause I'm not pressing on u  

Now your choice, chouse yourself

But remember my friend,

In this life there is nothing constant

Your foreveryears friends will betray u onetime

                                    Just like happened with me,

And at that time the power of GOD u will see!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i don't want others feel the pain that i've felt.

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