One day I looked up and figured he finally had given up on me. It’s already been 16 years, and still no sign of acceptance. It’s hard ... it’s so hard to know what to think of yourself if you don’t know who you are or where you came from.
No I’m not going to say I don’t know. I ... I do know. It’s me. It’s all me and I know one thing; it’s hard to build a name when you were never given one.
Well, my mom and dad did everything they could for me. (LAUGHS) Actually they still do. I ... I just don’t have it.
They sent me to a private school when I was 10... and I got kicked out when I was 10. School two, no luck. School three took a chance, but as before... spent.
Now I’m 18. I’ve got a diploma, a forty-thousand dollar car and I’m set up for the rest of my life. But ... behind it all it’s just a case of third degree ignorance, and to top it off a sweet boy smile to hide the lies.
When I was small i knew I was going to die young, but my only fear was how. Actually ... now all i worry about is living.
If you die young doesn’t that make you good? Isn’t that how it works? The good die young? Well yeah when I was ten I told my mom I was going to die young. I made myself believe it. I tried. Really I woke up everyday and wondered... Why the hell am I still alive? WHY!?
Now I’m 23 and past dying young. My problem, my main problem ... I ... I never died. I never lived either.
Actually everyone says I have talent, and I guess they’re right. I can sing, dance and think for myself, but the only thing I don’t have is feelings. I guess that can come with age, but it just doesn’t seem right. I mean to be able to do all this stuff and ... not care.
Not one feeling. I’m like a stick. I sit there with life passing by but don’t move until something touches me. That’s me. Dry, rough and all cold inside. You know?
For once I wish ... I just wish i could smile. Just because ... it felt right.
I’m Diana, sister of Apollo, goddess of the moon. I’m not here to get a reaction out of any of you, and actually i don’t care what you think of me. I’m not going to tell you my sob story, but I will tell you the truth; my truth.
Sure life sucks. It sucks so bad that if it wasn’t for the stars I wouldn’t be here. Yeah ... the stars. No not Hollywood just Heaven and far beyond. They talk to me when everything else is silent.
When no one else approves of me they ... they give me hope. See my story is similar to theirs, but different.
I have no parents either. I once did, but hey that’s life. I didn’t go to a "cherry" school and I don’t have a cent to my name whatever that may be. I don’t want to die, but I’ve thought about it. I can’t carry a tune, dance a step and most likely my thoughts are a dime a dozen.
But one thing ... one thing in the world I’ve got and no one can ever take this away from me ... I have my hope. And you know there’s nothing like it not anywhere. So as the stars hold the reigns in the skies I’ll hold onto mine down here. With all I’ve got it’s not much, but it’s mine. So to Heaven and Far Beyond you hold yours and I’ll hold mine.
God giveth... and god taketh away.