
Book 5

I can feel it twisting and turning

Tormenting my insides.

The devils inside are loose upon my soul again

Tormenting my very existence in this life.

The voices whispering in my ear.

Reminding me of my death and birth

Screaming winds of my soul.

The darkness moves again inside

Telling me my own end is at hand.

Reminding me of my very own mortality.

Showing me how much life is a gift and curse

I open my eyes and watch the world flood my view

Colors shifting and moving never staying in place

I close them again and feel the calming darkness wash over me

Thats when it truly hits me.


Why do I feel safe?

I can feel the darkness of my soul pulling on me

Dragging me down deeper into despair and madness.

It is like a drug, addictive, making me hunger for more.

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