There arent enough seconds in the day

Love Poetry

There arent enough seconds in the day,

For me to say I love you.

There arent enough minutes in the day,

For me to keep on hugging you.

There arent enough hours in the day,

For me to keep on kissing you.

There arent enough days in the week,

In which to spend time with you.

There arent enough weeks in the month,

For me to send you gifts.

There arent enough months in the year,

For me to live my life with you.

There isnt enough time,

For me to say i love you,

If i said i loved you a hundred times,

Expect a thousand times more.

I know I dont have much,

To offer to my one true love,

All I can give you is my heart,

Now and forever more,

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To Amber....

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