Sighs, Sighs, Sighs, Sighs,

Sighs can tell you alot,

If someone is cold is or if someone is hot.

Sighs can tell you things,

Whether they perfer steak or chicken wings.

Sighs have lots of information,

Whether they support Iraq or this Nation.

Sighs can pretict things too,

Like trips to the lake or trips to the zoo.

Sighs are a funny thing really,

you can do them when your serious or when your silly.

Sighs in the morning and sighs at night,

Sighs at the same old no hitting name-calling fights.

Sighs will get you in trouble when,

You sigh in class and the teach sends you in the halls again.

Sighs, Sighs, Sighs, Sighs,

What makes you seem so high.

Sighs, Sighs, Sighs, Sighs,

Continue to improve our lives.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Made up on the spot

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