Morning Session

I wake up in the morning with these words running through my brain. The drain,

is blocked, with evil thoughts.

How do I rid myself of what’s in my mind, all the fucking time?

Write it on paper?

Only to read it later.

Over and over again.

I just keep repeating the same sin, but with a grin.

Is this normal or healthy?

Can anybody help me?

My mind is filthy.

I guess this is the hand Satan dealt me.

Fuck religion and priests, they never felt me.

I am so twisted I don’t know which way I am going.

North, South, East, West?

Straight to hell, that’s what the navigation is showing.

I guess, I didn’t pass his test.

You know it, I was never the smart one.

Never got my homework done.

I failed you, society.

Because I am always, inebriated and intoxicated,

With a middle finger up to sobriety.

Why do you look up to him so highly?

If you believe in him, then I exist.

For my apocalypse army, you’ve already begun to enlist.

I am God and Satan,

One in the same.

I am what you make them.

Just with a different name.

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