your words remixed


my thoughts may rattle off

but use my words to light your path when it gets dark

you came from the brink

heart and soul off the floor

in your hands

and i carried them

we progressed

no ones pace impeded

i'm honored to exercise your brain

waking up to a life not so cold

knowing i may see you

makes me excited

your being allows me to be

a better person in this world

never pull back from my tender touch

my full heart loves your heart and oozes with life

it's hard to fathom the way i want this whole thing

but i met you, found it, and it's real

when you look within

you can always find me cozied up next to your soul

i'm not convinced no one will ever hear you like i do

but don't accept any less than you deserve

i'm terrified that my words may fall short in this moment

are you real?

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