"By God. . .
someone should pay!!!"
That is our scapegoat or sacrificial mentality as human beings
I'm not at all sure that God or the Universe ever demanded sacrifice
I think it was the human mentality from the get-go
it's that old:
"throw the virgin in the volcano to appease the volcano god" thing!
we cannot forgive ourselves for our own wretchedness
so we cannot imagine a God who could either, without some form of atonement. . .
something or someone's gotta pay
before the slate can be wiped clean!
It's a perspective or way of looking at things
that is not effective
that does not work well!!
Whatever made you
has to forgive you for
your built in weaknesses.
If I build a balsa wood model plane that should fly
but it doesn't because of an error I made in it's construction
I'm not gonna smash it, curse it, and blame it on it!!!
how childish irresponsible and dissociative, as well as futile
that would be!!
No one needs to pay for every mistake that is made!
Everyone needs to learn from mistakes that are made.
the learning is what is called for and useful.