When I met you over there (I really don't remember when and where)
I felt as if you are the single reasonable answer to all my unreasonable Questions. That made me feel a bit well.
but when I got ill and they took me to that room with too many instruments. I meant what they call concentrated care room (I don't know the name very well).
The nurse told me that you came to ask how I was doing
When I recovered, I came out of the hospital as a superman to run all over the globe looking for you. But, alas, I didn't find you!
When I felt so hapless, I just collapsed in an angle between an ancient wall and an eternal dusty valley
Then I stared to throw questions on me:
Why do I run after you?
Do I really need you?
Why do I cry that much for you?
I guess because- without we know-
We were
Ancient twins
I believe
Because love is
An equation
The parts of it
Must forever be in balance?
If you have made a different discovery
Please let me know.