











I saw her

For the first and last time

In the hall

of Alexandria academe

(Long before I end up here ... 

When I was crossing time ….


Exploring the globe


Celebrating humanity everywhere)


Her physical beauty


Was in competition


With the beauty of her mind




As a confused fugitive,


I asked: Teacher, do you know what's the purpose of life?


Hypatia then replied: to learn and learn and keep learning.


Then she took her way to the library and I headed towards the sea.




Who is this majestic woman?


A shining mind?


A walking wisdom?


Beyond the touch beauty?


Or a dream


That suddenly comes


And rapidly disappears?





is it the human history


That built a nest in my memory


Making me feel


Nothing more than


A sad fainting shadow?




The brilliance, genuinity and integrity of Hypatia had inspired many writers for a number of centuries ago.


In 2009, a movie  – called Agora-  was made to highlight Hypatia's final years. You can watch a trailer of the movie here:  





Author's Notes/Comments: 


Hypatia  was a scientist and a daughter of a scientist (350-415 A.D). She was from a Greek origin but born in Alexandria (and may be her father was born there too). She was a philosopher who had so much interest in Mathematics and Astronomy. She spent a life teaching the promising youth of Alexandria before she gets killed by the fanatic Christians.


Hibathia had so much intellectual effect on the public of  Alexandria and even on the ruler. The church then felt so jealous and decided to eliminate her.


They killed her in a very cruel way. They dragged her along sharp rocks in order to make her bleed and suffer so much before she goes away!


Is this the way to reward a teacher?  




I am not trying here to write against the Christian history. No. Even the Islamic past was full of events that make me feel bad. All fanatic religious minds are the same.


Anyway, If you like to read more about Hibathia, here is the link:



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