God, I’m such a sicko



God, I’m such a sicko

albeit with enough decency to confess

like a certain dignity

and confidence in character

to also be addressing

as i again undress for

another session

she stretches there

upon the bed

obedient slave to

whatever i say

she suddenly goes limp

pretends to be dead

wait no she actually is?

hey, at an hourly rate

still get my moneys worth


Author's Notes/Comments: 

My teacher assigned the promt 'write like a rapist' and today she not only graded me with an A+ but awarded extra credit for my 'astute necrophiliac twist' and asked that I read it aloud to the whole class. As you could imagine, the whole lecture hall erupted with a flurry of laughter and clapping and cheering... Now that's pretty badass, yah?

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