You my pen poised
My ink, my ache
Sullen by streetlamps
Contained by leaves
I remember stories so told
That whispers where the knowing
Words guide
They do not answer
They lead to the stumble
In our search
I would have never known
The lies to sate the truth
The kiss of the wind
A star perched underneath streetlamps
The edged stance
During quakes of love
My mighty held through and past seek
Thy unpretension
Nor calm or callous
Less…the beatitudes
A prayer maintained for another's truth
The hold worth not fighting
The chess in the park
Our heartbeats the timer
Between plays and practice games
I found no rest in winning
Checking my mate
You saked all beginnings
For the instant always so few give away
I bide
The withheld
Held me
As the suns setting lets go of the warming
Bringing the cold
Without care for the night
The worth within
The dimming of day
I design not property or purpose
Just a stumble along the world's way